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Writers often struggle with their own ideas. They can go on and on about how good their idea is; however, they never seem to be able to complete it because everything gets ruined and thrown away. Writer's block is a common occurrence that can be frustrating for both the writer and people reading their work. One of the most popular solutions for writer's block is to find a topic you're interested in and write about it; but this could end up as nothing more than an unoriginal essay or as an unfunny joke. Writer's block is not always a result of having no ideas; it could be because you're not in the mood to write and even if you had the best idea, you wouldn't be able to work with it. Writer's block does not have to be a hindrance when writing essays, short stories or articles. There are ways to overcome writer's block and getting your creativity flowing again. Below are some tips that may help eliminate writer's block:There is much controversy over the eighties. Some say they were a great era for fashion and music, while others believe it was a time when people were too preoccupied with material goods and status, neglecting their spirituality. In today's generation, they have become a source of inspiration and a place for learning. Some people visit historical sites to get their information on the past; others spend countless hours in bookstores reading biographies; and there are even those who make it their personal mission to travel the world. Everyone has his or her own way of learning about history, but there is one thing everyone can agree on: history books are great for this purpose. They come in many different forms, sizes and topics, making them perfect for research. You may want to learn more about World War I or II; about the Roman Empire; about any event that happened long ago (or not so long ago). History books cover these topics and more. Types of History books are available in the market, but not all are intended for school use. There are books that are written by well-known historians and could be considered for college or university classes. These types of history books try to teach using different theories and perspectives so that the learner gains a better understanding of events in history. For instance, if you were trying to learn about topics in World War II, there would be several books written by several authors. Each author could have his own theories on why World War II happened. An example is that some say it was caused because of Hitler's dictatorship while others blame it on Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor or even just say WWII was inevitable. It is up to you as a learner to decide which author's theories you believe and which one explains WW II best. Another type of history book is the non-fiction history book, a very common selection for schools or classes. This sort of book uses more research and facts instead of using the author's own opinions and theories. Teachers usually prefer this type of history book for school assignments because it gives clear information about events in history without leaving out important details. Nowadays, children are given the option of choosing from different types of books for their school assignments. For example, if they have to do a report on animals, they can choose one from the many animal related books available in different stores or libraries. cfa1e77820

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